CC: My Member of Parliament
Recently, the cost of doing business in Saskatchewan has skyrocketed! After years of dealing with pandemic-related issues and uncertainties, the economy is finally open again, but inflation, supply challenges, and labour shortages are stalling my business’ recovery. All I want is to be able to afford to run a profitable business in this province!
To help me offset the increased costs of doing business in Saskatchewan and keep my business competitive, I am calling on your government to:
- Permanently freeze the small business income tax rate at 1%, or reduce to 0%.
- Cut the PST on dine-in restaurant meals & property insurance.
- Introduce a securing small biz rebate program (ex. BC) to support biz with costs due to crime & vandalism.
- Suspend the provincial fuel tax to help offset increased energy costs (fuel, heating, cooking, carbon tax, etc.).
- Take action to address labour shortages; reduce the complexity, red tape, and cost associated with hiring.
- Once minimum wage reaches $15.00, return to a stable predictable formula for future increases.
Doing business in Saskatchewan needs to be more affordable.
Help set me up for success!