Hire a reservist – another way to improve your bottom line

When hiring, many small and medium -size business owners look for indicators that the person under consideration will grow their business. Too many times they hire someone who looked good on paper and interviewed well only to end up disappointed. What if there were a pre-screened group of candidates ready to help grow your business?

Reservists represent a highly trained labour pool and offer a variety of transferable skills including but not limited to:

  • Organizational Skills
  • Problem Solving and Issue Resolution
  • Leadership
  • Team Work
  • Resourcefulness
  • Highly developed communications skills
  • Adaptability
  • Strong work ethic


Reservists are focused on the greater good of their unit, either in the field or in the workplace. Many small businesses will thrive by employing one of these highly skilled individuals.

Reservists sometimes face a barrier to finding meaningful employment as they can have training and military commitments to meet. Career Edge Organization helps Reservists connect with meaningful employment through paid internships, allowing a Reservist the opportunity to find civilian employment while still fulfilling their military commitments. The program is supported by Employment and Social Development Canada in partnership with the Department of National Defence.

If you want to hire a Primary Reservist on a paid internship you can contact Career Edge to find out more.