Free Course: Safe Spaces Make Great Workplaces

Sexual harassment in the workplace: how big is the problem?

More than one quarter (28%) of Canadians have experienced sexual harassment in their place of work or at a work-related function. Sexual harassment is any behaviour, comment or gesture of a sexual nature which is deemed to be offensive or unwanted and that makes the receiver feel uncomfortable. Sexual harassment is illegal.

Addressing and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace starts with employers having a clear sexual harassment policy, educating staff and enforcing the policy. The Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission offers a free online course, Safe Spaces Make Great Workplaces, designed to help employers prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace, including free templates and other resources.

Interesting in learning more?

For more information on this course and any other matters relating to human rights in Nova Scotia, visit the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission website or call 1-877-269-7699 (Toll-Free in Nova Scotia).