YWCHSB Yukon employer annual payroll report due February 29th

Every year, all employers registered with Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board (YWCHSB) must complete an Employers Payroll Report by February 29. You are to report both your insurable earnings for the past year and an estimate of what you expect to pay in the current year.

In December YWCHSB mails all employers a copy of their Employer Payroll Report. If you did not receive this document, or you misplaced it, request a copy by calling (867) 667-5645 or 1-800-661-0443, or sending an email to WCHSB-assessments@gov.yk.ca.

YWCHSB will multiply your payroll estimate by your firm’s premium rate to determine your premium.

Information needed to complete your Employer Payroll Report includes:

  • 2023 financial records, T-4 and/or T-4A summaries
  • Records of amounts paid for regular, contract or casual labour in 2023
  • Other records you need to estimate your 2024 payroll
  • YWCHSB Account Number
  • Date your workers were (or will be) hired

More information is available in the Employer Payroll Report Guide

Employers who submit their report after the February 29th deadline may be subject to a late filing penalty and interest charge.

Mark your calendar to periodically review your payroll throughout the year. Employers must revise their estimate when it no longer reflects the amount they expect to pay to workers for the year. Whether adjusting for an increase or a decrease in payroll compared to the estimated amount, notifying YWCHSB allows for an adjustment to your account to appropriately reflect your coverage.

For more information, contact YWCHSB at (867) 667-5645 or 1-800-661-0443, or WCHSB-assessments@gov.yk.ca.